Do I have a weak immune system?

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In this new world that we find ourselves, it goes without saying that it is more important than ever to support our immune systems in any way we can, and to take active steps to stay healthy. While you may, … Continued

Poor digestion and bad breath

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Everyone’s had bad breath at some time in their lives, particularly first thing in the morning. But when it becomes a chronic problem, it can cause embarrassment and have a negative impact on your quality of life. For instance, in … Continued

Antibiotics and digestive problems

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Effects of antibiotic use on the digestive system Antibiotic resistance is perhaps the most well-known side effect of long-term use of antibiotics – a type of drug resistance, where a micro-organism can eventually withstand exposure to the antibiotic as a … Continued

Could I have Candida?

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What is Candida albicans? Candida (also sometimes referred to as a thrush, yeast or fungal infection) is a single cell, plant-like fungi. It starts life as a yeast, which everybody has in their digestive systems and other mucous membranes from … Continued

How antibiotics affect the gut

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Good health begins in the gut Many health experts agree that good health begins with balance in the body, particularly in the digestive system. Inside our bodies there are twenty times more bacteria than living cells, and maintaining the correct … Continued